lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

The Balloon's Fugue! (by Lorena)

Round and soft,
Floating by, there it goes
Like a road of rough white string
Tied it is
To the kid

Can’t escape unless
The cord is released
In this case feels like a loss
Of your life
The object which kept you alive,

It’s gone
Freely floating by itself
Not worried about anything
Just the direction it’s going to take
The carefulness and aware for spikes and leaves,
For birds and too much wind
For cables and trees

Whilst you are contemplating it
With such a regret
For letting it go
To see what happened

She always told you don’t untie it
If you want to keep it
As your friend for long periods
Have fun moving with it
Pulling it
Up in the air

Now I know what happens
I first didn’t believe her
All those scolding make her seem
Like a liar

Now I know what happens
I just wanted to see by myself

Thank you mum for trying to prevent me
Now I feel so fool